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2024-2027 Strategic Plan

HSD's 3-year strategic plan was created by the Board of Directors to provide high level direction for our work, while calling out the critical values that we support. See our mission, vision, and values to learn more about HSD and our plans for the upcoming year.



The Historic South Downtown Community Preservation & Development Authority (“HSD”) is a state-created agency responsible for preserving, restoring, and promoting the health, safety, and cultural identity of Seattle’s Pioneer Square and Chinatown-International District neighborhoods.


To create a healthy and resilient historic Pioneer Square and Chinatown-International District in Seattle, Washington, central to understanding the nature and character of the Pacific Northwest.



HSD will practice the following values throughout the organization and its actions in areas such as relationships, programming and operations:

1.  Equity. Mitigate historic racial and social inequity and model equity in work and impact.

2. Neighborhood Self-determination. Advocate for Chinatown-International District and Pioneer Square to exercise self-determination with regards to our character, future, needs and wants.

3. Continuous Learning. Rooted in history and remain responsive to our changing neighborhoods.

4. Accountability. Act transparently and maximize the potential of our assets to benefit our community.

5. Resiliency. Respond to opportunities and threats while maintaining mission focus.

Strategic Goals & Objectives

HSD’s work will be guided as follows:

1. Ensure HSD programs are based on community self-determination.

1) Cultivate community engagement that provides guidance towards HSD strategy, builds relationships, and informs HSD operations.

2) Evaluate, and adjust, as necessary, the existing grant-making plan to ensure funding opportunities reflect community needs and wants and strengthen community institutions and capacity.

3) Act as a bridge between our historic neighborhoods and partners to support and advocate for our community needs.

2. Ensure the health, sustainability, and growth of HSD.

1) Attract and support HSD leadership that is representative of our communities; and maintain strong engagement with alumni.

2) Establish robust controls and procedures to ensure financial accountability, measurement of impact, and high ethical standards.

3) Advocate for and secure sustainable funding sources to provide for the ongoing needs of our communities.

3. Promote/market HSD to increase visibility for the purpose of:

1) increasing historic neighborhoods' understanding of HSD as an asset and the benefits it provides

2) facilitating partnerships with groups, not-for-profit, public, and private entities

3) identifying/advocating for solidarity issues/agenda with others.

4. Fund and continue deep conversations regarding racism, anti-racist actions, and addressing power imbalance actions HSD will take to address systemic racism, truth, healing, and reconciliation. The strategic and tactical actions will be integrated into HSD's 2021-2024 Strategic Plan.

5. In times of a State of Emergency as declared by a governmental jurisdiction, provide resources and funding consistent with our budget, revenue sources, and spending authority, such as supporting programs and services that promote sustainable workplace opportunities in accordance with RCW 67.28.160(1)(c).

It is the intent of the Board to review its progress on the Strategic Plan every six months.

Historic South Downtown

HSD is a state entity responsible for preserving, restoring, and promoting the South Downtown neighborhoods of Pioneer Square and Chinatown International District.

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