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South Downtown
Community Priorities Study

Community priorities identified by residents, workers, visitors and others in South Downtown (Pioneer Square and CID) are remarkably stable over the last 30 years or so.


How do we know? In 2019, HSD reviewed a variety of studies from the neighborhoods. These studies were initiated by city departments, developers, community organizations and planners trying to define a vision for the future in and around South Downtown. In 2024, HSD validated these results, showing the same priorities endure posts-pandemic.

The bottom line is, when asked over and over, year after year, by a number of different organizations, through a variety of outreach methods, for a many kinds of projects, twelve priorities rose to the top again and again. 

We envision two healthy, safe, and connected neighborhoods where current and future businesses, residents, nonprofits, cultures, and histories survive and thrive. We envision two neighborhoods that attract, inspire, and remain significant to communities throughout Seattle and across the region.

Community Priorities List for South Downtown

How did we reach this list of priorities?

Over the past two decades, community and government organizations in Pioneer Square and the Chinatown International District have engaged in multiple community-focused exercises to develop plans, reports, and guiding documents. These publications may have been meant to shape decisions about specific projects or gather input on issues that affect Pioneer Square and the CID. In each study, the authors identified values and priorities important to those who participated. These priorities and values have remained remarkably consistent over the course of decades.

Historic South Downtown and stakeholders reviewed these publications and identified common values and priorities (defined as values and priorities that were shared across two or more publications). In a series of workshops, community organizations built on these common values and priorities to identify shared goals and objectives.

Retain or increase community ownership of properties


Duy trì hoặc tăng cường quyền sở hữu của cộng đồng đối với tài sản

Improve public safety


Tăng cường an toàn công cộng

Enhance community vitality and sustainability


Tăng cường sức sống và tính bền vững của cộng đồng

Encourage economic development


Khuyến khích phát triển kinh tế

Acknowledge and address historic racism that has and continues to impact neighborhoods


Thừa nhận và giải quyết vấn đề phân biệt chủng tộc trong lịch sử đã và đang tiếp tục ảnh hưởng đến các khu phố

Minimize cumulative harm to and/or displacement of existing businesses, residents, and nonprofits


Giảm thiểu các bất lợi tổng hợp đối với và/hoặc sự di dời của các doanh nghiệp, cư dân và tổ chức phi lợi nhuận hiện nay

Activate common areas


Vận hành các khu vực chung

Increase economic diversity


Tăng cường sự đa dạng kinh tế

Improve mobility and connectivity


Tăng cường tính linh động và kết nối

Retain historic and cultural character


Giữ lại các đặc trưng lịch sử và văn hóa

Support a small business environment


Hỗ trợ môi trường kinh doanh nhỏ

Ensure that people across Seattle and the region continue to visit the neighborhoods, even during construction of public projects


Đảm bảo rằng mọi người dân ở khắp Seattle và khu vực này tiếp tục tiếp cận được các khu phố, ngay cả trong quá trình xây dựng các dự án công cộng

Historic South Downtown

HSD is a state entity responsible for preserving, restoring, and promoting the South Downtown neighborhoods of Pioneer Square and Chinatown International District.

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